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Your 2020 Hammock Awaits

The simplest thing to bring along as a sort of shelter while camping or hiking is a tent. But is it time to consider exchanging the tent in 2020 for a hammock? If you're an avid hiker or backpacker, here's a couple of reasons to at least indulge the hammock idea.

Comfort. There are bound to be different opinions. However, the average person who decides to sleep in a properly hung hammock will probably attest to the comfort of the rest. Even if you have an ultra comfortable sleeping pad to use with your tent, you could find that the hammock provides even greater comfort.

Remain dry. Prop up the hammock and tarp when you're in camp and you're not going to need to worry about getting dirty. Use the tent to unwind during the rainfall and you will stay dry without getting your shoes or feet wet on the soaked or humid ground.

Elevation. Speaking of the earth, you may discover that the ground beneath you is dusty, filthy, or even wet. Particularly on the east coast, where trees grow, you are likely to find a pair of trees near each other where you can set up your hammock and need not worry about whether is less than ideal.

This update is brought to you by The Relaxation Store. Our range of camping products includes bed canopies, hammocks, and mosquito nets. We also offer a broad range of outdoor products like hanging hammock chairs for use in your yard. Call 866-377-1224 to learn more about our many outdoor and travel products.