Bring Your Camera, Bring Your Hammock
Now that September is here, it’s just a matter of time before the cooler fall weather brings lots of natural sights. Maybe you’ve decided that fall will be when you finally decide to go exploring some nature trails. If so, bring your outdoor gear, a camera, and use these tips to take some great pictures.
Become friends with light. Lighting is a major factor that will play a critical role in your photo. Ideally, dusk and dawn photos create ideal environments for pictures. You want to avoid placing the camera anywhere where sunlight is going directly into the lens.
Be observant. When out in nature, the landscape abounds with different sights just waiting to be found. Instead of focusing only in front of you, take a look at the ground. Maybe there’s a small, fascinating (hopefully harmless) critter that’s lurking below you. Perhaps if you look upwards you’ll notice a stunning bird.
Get comfortable with exposure. Your eyes see one thing, but your camera will likely see another. After the lighting is just right, adjust the exposure settings to get just the right light when you’ve found a scene.
Lastly, don’t forget to bring your hammock along so you can relax and unwind.
This update is brought to you by The Relaxation Store. Our range of camping products includes bed canopies, hammocks, and mosquito nets. We also offer a broad range of outdoor products like hanging hammock chairs for use in your yard. Call 866-377-1224 to learn more about our many outdoor and travel products.